Monday, March 23, 2009

I Need a Vacation

Aku rasa ingin bercuti.. .. .. itulah rasa aku buat masa ini. Mungkin aku rasa tertekan dengan keadaan buat masa sekarang. Cuti pada hari Ahad pun aku rasa tak puas, sekejap sajer dah malam, esok nak start kerja.

Aku tak tahulah dari aspek yang mana aku rasa tertekan, mungkin aku rasa aku tak cukup berehat tapi itu x masuk akal pulak, bini tiap2 malam hingga ke pagi kena bangun ‘breastfeeding’ kat anak aku. Mungkin disebabkan cuaca yg baru ni2 panas membahang sampai ke malam ataupun tensi tgk e-mail office yg aku received a day yang tak kurang dari 30 e-mails. Ntah xleh nak trace sourcenya.

Baru2 nie ayah aku admitted ke ward, lungs dia swollen disebabkan jantung dia tak mengepam pada kadar yang normal. Aku tgk dia ok jerk at hospital, chat dgn roommates dia at the same time aku worried sebab dia x pernah ada heart case before. Doc informed yg my father kena stop drastically on smoking, kena buat light exercise regularly, kena control on eating too. Knowing my father character, he will never stand for long period sure dia curik2 buat. Aku dan adik2 yg lain kenalah monitor dan ensure dia to obey doc’s advise.

Sejak2 nie aku tak komited ke Dojang TTA untuk turun berlatih, ada kalanya aku rasa mental tired dan nak balik berehat. Ada yg lepas2 Mst. Yeow siap sms dan call aku ‘Dtg training x?’ Aku mana boleh kata x free, dah dia tanya, kata dtg jerlaa. Bini aku tue kdg2 bising jugak, apa taknya weekdays malam aku boleh dikatakan busy, tak ker kelas TKD dan kerja part time akaun aku. Hanya hari Ahad jer hari aku spend time dengan family. Aku x nak jugak rasa isolated mahu dari aku ataupun dari wife aku.

Hmm, aku rasa aku kena pergi bercuti jugak. Ambil cuti 2-3 hari, book flight ke Bali ker, Langkawi ker, ataupun yg kira ok dan yg boleh drive iaitu ke Pantai Cherating. Boleh jugak aku round2 sekitar bandar Kemaman, kena kopi yang terkenal kat sana (belum pernah try walaupun selalu ke KSB) dan tak juga boleh lawat senior TKD aku, Ayasu Kuro-Obi. Insyallah, jikalau tiada aral yang menghalang, financial pun ok, aku akan pergi bercuti.

Buat masa sekarang nie, try to find rest time yang secukupnya. Sleep 3x.


Anonymous said...

yep, understood that it's tiring lately with hot and dry weather plus yr dad's condition. Maybe not enuf rest. its normal. go ahead. maybe yr next holiday can fine tune yr objective. sometime, too much things to do until u dont know which to start first.

the focal point, do with yr interest and not because u r being forced to do it...that's my 2 sen advice.

Adam A. said...

Sir Eizam,

I agreed with your focal point. "To do with my interest not because of being forced to do."

Sometimes, to be honest I felt as being forced to. That is priceless advice given.

Thank you Sir!

Abdul Rahman said...

The same thing happened to me when I was working with private sector last time. For more than 10 years I worked with private sector. Many times I have to work until 12 midnight or more. But still I got scolded by my boss. Then the stress start to built up until I don't feel like going to work.

Thank god now I work with the government. But believe it or not mu current boss have the same characteristics with the one in the private sector. He always trying to find my fault. What i do is just ignore him. Do whatever I think is right and interest me.

My advise is if you think it is too stress for you, may be you need to stop whatever you do for a while. Forget it and clear your mind. Analyze the situation and make your decision.

Sometimes when we drive on the highway, we need to stop for a nap or for a glass of tea/coffee before we can continue our journey. If we don't stop, our body might become too tired to continue and we may never arrive at our destination if we involve in a terrible accident.


Anonymous said...

yeah, mang is rite. U cant do everything at the same time. Me too. We only have a pair of legs and hands but with one powerful tool, i.e. brain..all these can be managed quite well.

set yr priorities. LAst time, stopped tkd for a while just because i have to travel extensively. My class tutup kedai. Company i hebat. Claim je 3-4 ribu. Bonus toksah kata. but life takda. TKD hangus, nak jumpa family pun payah.

Now company ni takler hebat sgt benefit dan pay. At least leh survive, balik pun jarang lewat. Tkd masih boleh jalan. Weekend boleh rehat.

Dont be like director/boss. Ask us to work everyday and nite. Kalau boleh weekend sekali. Dia buat gitu sebb dia sendiri takda life dgn familiy sendiri. To be frank, boss gitu selalu ada problem keluarga.

So, whilst our boss mula marah marah kite...why not we keep smiling and enjoy our lives after work. Of course, we r still resposible to our job. But remember, we also have other responsibility like family, social, masjid (jemaah tu jgn lupa), jiran, family. Kalau yr boss yg asyik kerja malam tu, lantak la dia...sebb dia hanya ada satu tggjawab je..

Ayasu Kuro-Obi said...

Mari mari...